> Putting people first >

Registered Charity No: 1059015

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How you can help

HAD’s existence is very much dependent on the support and generosity of the public.

The best way to help is to join our membership scheme. For an annual fee of £20.00 you receive our colour news magazine three times a year. This keeps you informed on all the latest news and views. You will also receive our Annual Report and other updates.

You can also:

And by using Gift Aid you can make your donation worth more. For every pound you give to us, we get an extra 28 pence from the Inland Revenue.

And you can support us online.

We are always looking for volunteers on a regular or occasional basis.

We have expansion plans throughout the whole organisation but we need your help to turn our dreams into reality.

For more information just write or telephone us, or even better leave your details on our web guest book.

Download a standing order or Gift Aid form.

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You will need Acrobat Reader to view and print these documents. Once complete, they can either be emailed or posted to us.

People We've Helped

Keeping a full record of people who have benefited from HAD’s services is almost impossible. Nevertheless the following would like to be heard…

Read about 'People We've Helped' -

Hertfordshire Action on DisabilityTel: 01707 324581
Fax: 01707 371297

Bobby WorldWide Approved AAA

Website written, designed and maintained by Presstige 01727 858605
Email: presstige@f2s.com